14. Juni 20222 Min. Lesezeit
The Oceans Friends
Das neue Musik-Projekt von Dirk Ulaszewski mit Wassersportlern und Freunden aus der ganzen Welt für einen respektvollen Umgang mit...
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The new music project with water sports enthusiasts and friends from all over the world for a respectful treatment of our oceans has started.
After "the winning team" in 1995, I am finally planning another big music project with athletes! This time for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. We will produce an international song in multiple versions, uniting water sports enthusiasts and friends from all continents to raise awareness about the problems of littering our oceans. You can be part of it by sending us your sporting achievements and a picture of yourself. If you want to write something about it, you are welcome to do so.
But you can also actively participate. When the song is finished, you will receive a copy of the song and you can make video recordings of at least 20 seconds of you dancing, for example, and send them to us. We will then develop the video for the song.
Music and water sports enthusiasts! Are you enthusiastic about the idea?
If so, then join in. Either write a comment / statement and/or join in on the video. As soon as the song is finished, you will receive the song and you will dance, laugh, paddle, row, dive or fool around to the music. You send us the recordings (max. 3 minutes) and we create the music video.
For environmental protection - Publication: Olympia 2024
Current Friends
Start: fundraising campaign
My first record production from 1988. It's been a long time. In 1994, based on our first experiences in the recording studio, we developed the big music project with athletes
"the winning team".
Have a listen!